VR APP FOR real state CLIENTS who want to preview an apartment before it is built

Tasks summary
Unity & VR setup
Input System
Multiplayer SDK (Photon)
XR setup
Configure floors, UI icons and other gameobjects with physics as XR interactables
Create a player using a 3D model as avatar and adding hands with XR interactions (grabbing objects) and Locomotion System (Teleportation)
Create interactions to change objects and materials and update the scenes of all the players in the room in real time
Multiplayer development
Lobby, room, matchmaking, gameobjects and player setup
Synchronize changes in gameobjects such as walls and floor textures
App optimization
Analysis of textures, lighting and 3D models using profiler to identify:
Verts, tris count
CPU, GPU and Memory usage
Project income
A previous demo VR app with the following setup:
Built-in rendering pipeline
SourceForge as MP SDK
MP session only for players connected to a local, office network
2 different projects: one for Android devices and another one for PC
Old VR interaction packages
Project outcome
A new VR app with the following improvements:
Photon as MP SDK
Players connected from almost anywhere around the world using a Wi-Fi connection
OpenXR: only 1 project from which 2 different builds can be made for Android and PC using
Work Team
The team consisted of 3 people:
Unity Lead developer
Unity VR developer
3D modeler and designer